Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, September 29, 2017

“Love conquers all.” Adage

Love is surely the principal activity of a healthy and happy life?  Most of our insecurities can be addressed by choosing the actions of love. Love doesn’t seek its own so love is never possessive--the cause of so many insecurities. The wisdom found in love understands that in order for people to love one another they must be free to do so. Insecurities and possessiveness will choke the life out of a relationship. Love thrives in an atmosphere of trust and freedom.

“Love never fails.” 1Cor.13 Conversations Within” ts 9/20/2016

Thursday, September 28, 2017

”The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.” Unknown

Draw your confidence not from what others think, but from your Father in Heaven. The gift of Christ is assurance enough of His love for us.  Our greatest security is found in God. We can experience Him uniquely in our own actions of love for others. Returned love is the fruit of such love, and not the only reason we choose to express it. Love is its own reward because God is love.

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” 1Jo.4.16 Conversations Within” ts 9/19/2016

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

“You can tell a lot about a person by what they chose to take personal.” Meme

An oversensitive person is always interpreting the words and actions of others in the worst possible way. I should think it wise to avoid being overly anything, much less taking too many things to heart. Cut people and yourself some slack. Avoid being too serious. People say and do things all of the time in the heat of the moment that they would not say and do if they thought them through. We all do this. Let it go, and focus on matters that really matter.
“Do not take to heart all the things that people say.” Ecc.7.21  Conversations Within” ts 9/18/2016

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

“Kill them with kindness.” Meme

There are certain feelings that I do not want growing in the garden of my soul. The weeds of insecurity, envy, hatred, or feeling sorry for myself have never brought me any joy. Kindness is the cure and will put the kibosh on all these negative feelings. It is hard to feel insecure when we are helping others feel secure. Envy cannot spring up when we are rejoicing over another’s blessings. Hatred withers in the sunlight of love. We cannot feel sorry for ourselves while singing songs of grateful praise.

“Love is kind.” 1Cor.13.4 Conversations Within” ts 9/18/2016

Monday, September 25, 2017

”Relationships fail ,because people take their own insecurities and try and twist them into their partner's flaws!” Unknown

Personal insecurities often tempt us to interpret and put what others are doing, even not doing, in a bad light. This in turn can lead us to play the “blame game” and we can find ourselves resentful and hurt. True love teaches us to get out of our own feelings and focus on what we can bring to the relationship not take from it. We should resist the temptation to judge the actions of others and even learn to overlook any real offenses when they occur.
“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1Pet.4.8 Conversations Within” ts 9/17/2016

Sunday, September 24, 2017

“Sometimes our thoughts are backed by so much insecurity, that they create lies we believe.” Jelly Wong

There is great wisdom when we learn to control feelings of insecurity. Actually, this is true for all of our feelings. Since our emotions usually follow our focus, controlling them is as simple as redirecting our thoughts. Feelings should follow, not lead. The reason is that our feelings can lead us to believe all sorts of things, many of which are simply not true.

“He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered.” Prov.28.26 Conversations Within” ts 9/16/2016

Friday, September 22, 2017

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Bill Gates

We could also say that our most unhappy moments are our greatest source of learning.  If anything, such moments can show what we need to change about our attitudes and actions. Every unhappy moment can serve our awareness that something is not as it should be just as a fever tells us of some sickness. If there is no peace in my heart, God may be using it to call my attention to why. Some selfish something is often the culprit.

“Happy are the unhappy.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/15/2016

Thursday, September 21, 2017

"Frequent small corrections are less painful and disruptive than large course corrections." Allan Packer

Big course corrections can be avoided by making little course corrections throughout the day. Small adjustments in our attitude can play a big part in positive change. Let me wake to the minor causes that produce major effects.

“Keep in step with the Spirit.” Gal.5 Conversations Within” ts 9/14/2016

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

“Pencils have erasers for a reason.” Joshua Millburn

The opportunity to make course corrections and repair any damage that we have done to ourselves or to others is a wonderful privilege. There is nothing quite like second chances. The best way we can avoid wasting these precious opportunities of redemption is to focus on the “day to day” of what needs changing and give ourselves diligently to it.

“...His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lam.3.23 Conversations Within” ts 9/13/2016

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

“Figure out where you are. Figure out where you want to be. Figure out your course corrections.” Trent Hamm

If we do not know where we are, it may prove difficult to make a course correction to get back to where we need to be. So, where am I in relation to the things that are important to me?  Are the things important to me really important insofar as they provide lasting happiness? If my family is important to me, what do I need to change to go from where I am to where I need to be with them? All in all, we have all got some figuring to do. It may be wise to start by deciding what is important to me--what I truly value, and then go from there.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/13/2016

Monday, September 18, 2017

”Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.” James Altucher

A bad choice is a bad choice. We all make them, but do we have to keep making the same bad choice over and over again? Once we go down some road that steals the joy of living, why should we go down that same road again? Has losing our temper ever brought us joy? Stop it! Don’t continue turning down that street that leads to nothing but misery. Make a course correction, drive down a new street--one that brings lasting joy.

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly"  Prov.26.11 Conversations Within” ts 9/11/2016

Sunday, September 17, 2017

“Sometimes a catastrophe is simply a course correction.” Jame A. Owens

Grace comes to us in many forms. Grace certainly has a hard side, but it is still God expressing His love and kindness to us. Sometimes it is necessary for God to get our attention because we need a major course correction in life. Something happens and wham, we get knocked off our feet. Of course He is always ready to help us get back on course, one that leads to a better life.

“He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name sake.” Ps.23 Conversations Within” ts 9/10/2016

Friday, September 15, 2017

“Keep it simple. Keep it honest. Keep it real.” Meme

One of the principles I repeat to my heart, just about everyday, is to live humbly, simply and modestly. These wonderful graces both lay and express the solid foundation of an honest life. A humble person is one who has an honest appraisal of themselves. A simple person is singularly focused on matters that matter, and a modest person exercises an honest restraint of any excesses that distort and disrupt physical and spiritual health.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/9/2016

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Let’s be honest.

We can always count on God to be honest with us. He does not patronize us or sugar coat the truth. He speaks plainly, honestly and with wisdom. We can never be more honest with ourselves or with others than when we simply agree with what His Spirit is saying. If I make sure my words match His before I say them, I can know I am speaking the truth.

“Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you.” Job 22.21 Conversations Within” ts 9/8/2016

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.” Chris Karcher

Imagine being the kind of person who always makes decisions based on what is good rather than whatever we happen to desire at the moment. Indeed, we often want things that are not good for us. Of course we can train ourselves to desire goodness, especially when we experience its benefits. Anyone who has practiced restraint at a buffet knows you feel better, and better about yourself, when we gratefully eat all we need instead of all we want.
“The integrity of the upright guides them…” Prov.11.3 Conversations Within” ts 9/7/2016

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

“If beating yourself up worked you'd be rich, thin, and happy. Try loving yourself instead.” Cheryl Richardson

Loving oneself is not the same thing as liking oneself. But sometimes not liking yourself may hinder us from seeking things that are good and beneficial. This is especially true if all we do is sit around beating ourselves up. Being honest with yourself is a grace that can motivate us, not to put ourselves down, but to change direction and build ourselves up. The best way we can love ourselves is to stop making bad choices and start making good ones. Don’t beat yourself up, pick yourself up.  

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/6/2016

Monday, September 11, 2017

”I was wr. I was wrr. I was wrrrrro.” The Fonz

I was wrong! The ability to admit this is a powerful grace--not only to others, but to ourselves. People are usually good at seeing the faults of others, but often lack this skill when judging our own actions. If we cannot admit our faults, God cannot help us deal with them. Be honest, admit your wrongs; do so without excuse, and deal with them. I cannot think of a better place to begin than to ask for and accept God’s forgiveness, then ask for and hopefully receive the forgiveness of others.

Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Ps.51.6 Conversations Within” ts 9/5/2016

Sunday, September 10, 2017

“The hardest person to be honest with is yourself.” Unknown

There is great value when one learns to admit and confront their own moral ugliness. The value of course is discovered when we seek to change it. The best way to do this is to ask for and appropriate grace. Learning to be honest with ourselves is a great skill because admitting who we are is the first step toward becoming who we want to be.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1Jo.1.9 Conversations Within” ts 9/4/2016

Friday, September 8, 2017

The big picture is often lost to those in the picture.

The big picture may very well mean that God is willing to sacrifice something temporal to accomplish something permanent. Christ is proof enough of that. Just as parents take small children to the doctor for shots, our Heavenly Father will sometimes allow things that hurt when He knows they will ultimately heal. We may ask, why pain is in the picture at all? The answer of course is one of those things seen in the big picture. For now we wait for Heaven’s gaze and trust that God knows what He is doing.
“The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.” Heb.4 Conversations Within” ts 9/2/2016

Thursday, September 7, 2017

“I could never have embraced this many people with two arms.” Bethany Hamilton (surfer and shark attack survivor)

Bad stuff happens to us all. To acknowledge and accept this, with faith and gratitude, can create a positive and powerful attitude, one that enables us to looks to the bigger picture that God is working all things for good. Not everything that happens to us is good, but this does not stop God from working good from it when we look to Him in it.

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” Rom.8.28  Conversations Within” ts 9/1/2016

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

“God has a better plan for me than I have for myself.” Meme

Do I really believe that God has a plan for me? Actually we are told that He was making plans for us before He laid the foundations of the world. Both Father and Son  knew we would need help down the road, and so they made an agreement that He would come and provide it. And voila, we celebrate Christmas, Communion, and Easter. Surely if God made and executed these plans, He has others consistent with them. Our part is to cooperate by following what we already know He wants from us today.

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD.” Jer.29.11 Conversations Within” ts 8/31/2016

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

“The dark threads are as needful in the weaver’s skillful hand as the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.” Corrie ten Boom

This precious survivor of a Nazi concentration camp compared life to a wondrous tapestry that God is weaving. Most of the time we see the disjointed backside with all the meaningless knots and loose hanging threads. Then there is the other side--the eternal side--seen by the Artist of our soul, whose skill is unmatched and whose wisdom joins all of life’s sorrows and joys into one grand and glorious image seen in the face of Christ.

“They dressed Him up in purple, and after twisting a crown of thorns, they put it on Him...” Mark 15.17 Conversations Within” ts 8/30/2016

Monday, September 4, 2017

“We can only see part of the picture, but God can see the whole picture.” Meme

We don’t have to see the big picture to know that there is one. We certainly don't have to worry about the big picture especially when we realize that Father is the artist painting it. Peace of soul is reminding ourselves of this when something tragic happens. A violent brush stroke is but one stroke on the canvas of our lives, and sometimes they are evidently deemed necessary to complete the picture. Trust that when the painting is finished, every brush stroke will blend into a portrait of absolute goodness.  

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Rom.8.28 Conversations Within” ts 8/29/2016

Sunday, September 3, 2017

It may be the big picture that matters, buts it is also our little choices that help create it.

The Bible’s big picture is that God created us; asked us to trust Him; we chose not to and messed up our lives and the whole world with us. God then sent Jesus to fix our mess, He started the process and now asks us to trust Him again with our lives. It has always been about trust and comes down to simple faith In His word. We either believe and trust God, or we believe and trust our own way of doing things. That is the Bible in a nutshell as it is said.

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Acts 16.31 Conversations Within” ts 8/28/2016

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Many would do great things for God, but more often than not, it is faithfulness in small matters that adds up to a life which honors Him.

The power of our love for God is not the way we feel about Him, but in our actions. It matters little if we have strong emotions where He is concerned, but do not follow them up with the actions of faith. In the final analysis it is what we do that matters most.

“You know these things. You are more blessed if you do them.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 8/27/2016

Friday, September 1, 2017

"Little by little, a little becomes a lot." Tanzanian proverb

An encouraging word given to someone everyday can be a powerful influence for good, just as critical words can slowly tear people down. Build others up, don’t tear them down. Small investments can strengthen a marriage, a friendship, and a child’s future. We can even give ourselves an encouraging word every day; for we often must believe we can accomplish something before we actually do.
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1Thess.5.11 Conversations Within” ts 8/25/2016