“Where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/21/2019
Grace modeste- an "unassuming grace." Any discussion of a spiritual nature should reflect this mutual kindness. The following are simply my devotional reflections each morning. I cast them like "bread upon the waters," hoping that all who find them will find something of value to nurture their own inner life.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
“If you truly love someone being faithful is easy.” Unknown
A mature love is the merging of the love of action and the love of our affections. Our affections make our actions easier. It is easy to love what you love. But it is faithfulness in our actions that deepen our affections for someone. Faithfulness is not so much how we feel about someone as it is the way we act towards them. It is often expressed despite our feelings not because of them, but when the two come together, it's "easy like Sunday morning."
“Where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/21/2019
“Where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus Conversations Within” ts 9/21/2019