“Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God...Do not fear, you are of more value than many sparrows.” Jesus “Conversations Within” ts 10/23/2019
Grace modeste- an "unassuming grace." Any discussion of a spiritual nature should reflect this mutual kindness. The following are simply my devotional reflections each morning. I cast them like "bread upon the waters," hoping that all who find them will find something of value to nurture their own inner life.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
”Every little thing’s gonna be alright.” Bob Marley
One day I sat worried about something. It was a scorching hot summer day, and there in front of me was a family of young sparrows drinking from a water spigot. Someone evidently had not turned it off tight enough and one tiny drop after another was falling into the upturned beaks of these hot and thirsty birds. As plain as any voice I have ever heard, the Spirit gently reminded me of what Jesus said about birds.
“Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God...Do not fear, you are of more value than many sparrows.” Jesus “Conversations Within” ts 10/23/2019
“Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God...Do not fear, you are of more value than many sparrows.” Jesus “Conversations Within” ts 10/23/2019