Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dance to the Music

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Phil.4.4 NKJV

Sometimes we need to be reminded of how good we have it. This usually occurs whenever some care of the world distracts us from every blessing that is ours in Christ. It is good to remind ourselves that our great purpose in life is to enjoy all that God is for us in the expressions of His covenant love in Jesus. It is then only proper to express the joy that we find in Him. We enjoy something when we find our joy in it and for the Christian, joy is found in the superior satisfactions of knowing God in Christ. We rejoice when we express our enjoyment of this reality. We celebrate His covenant love. As the music of His presence is playing, the children of God should be dancing. Let us dance to the music. 9/12/07 ts