Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Covered with Blood

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Eph1.7

Every year, as we approach Easter, I show “The Passion of the Christ.” to my students. Before we begin I always give a word of warning about the graphic violence depicted in the movie. One inescapable fact is conveyed when you tell the story of Christ. Christianity is a bloody affair. One can hardly get through the first pages of Scripture before reading about the very first blood sacrifice. It was to be the first of many to come. The generations which followed, offered the blood sacrifice of countless animals, and all at God‘s bidding. Blood is everywhere in the history of His people. Blood was placed on every doorpost and lintel, blood was spilled daily at the altar, blood was sprinkled throughout the temple on every article used in worship. The first public words declared by the forerunner of Christ about Christ, explain the nature of all this blood. ‘Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.’
The New Testament explains that all the blood shed up to the moment of Christ was to be viewed somewhat like our use of a credit card. The blood of bulls and goats could never take away our debt, but only charge it on account. The payment came in the blood sacrifice of Christ. He offers His blood as the payment of our debts before God. Those who put their trust in God under the old economy of blood sacrifices were looking forward to the cross just as we are looking back to it every time we drink from the communion cup. The blood of Christ not only stands at the center of all human history, His precious blood is the ransom for it. God who made the rule of gravity also made the rule that without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sin. As blood is life, His blood has become our life. The covering of our debts required that we be covered in His blood. Christianity is bloody indeed! That Christians would cherish a first century execution devise may seem strange, until one understands the reason behind all the blood spilt on it. 4/4/07 ts