Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sword to Scalpel

O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? 1Co15.55

When death came to Christ and touched Him, it was not Christ but death itself that was forever changed. The door which carried us away from God’s presence was made into an entrance. Because of Christ, death does not carry us away from our hearts desire but carries us to it. In this sense we are able then to view death no longer as an enemy but as a friend. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
The Christian parents of one of the slain college students at this weeks recent college massacre, expressed this sentiment when they referred to their child’s tragic death as a graduation into life. Jesus has changed the nature of our grief beside the grave. We do not weep without hope or for the one who has died. We grieve at the separation however brief it may be. I think we also grieve because something in us knows that death, though necessary because of our sin, is not normal, that God never intended for our soul to be ripped from our body. But God who is rich in goodness and grace sent His Son to enter death and reverse it.
It may seem strange to some, that Christians see death as the door to life, that we cherish the cross-what was once the sentence of condemnation but now seen as the door to life. God has taken the sword of our enemy and turned it into a healing scalpel. 4/20/07 ts