Just me trying to be honest with God.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The BIOS of the Soul

“…the gospel…on which you stand…” 1Co15.1

BIOS is one of those new words which has come into use in this age of personal computers. The acronym is short for “Basic Input/Output System” and sometimes “Basic Integrated Operating System. BIOS describes the lines of code resident in the motherboard of the computer which define its functions. When a computer become sluggish, locks up or crashes, we simply reboot (more computer words.) When we reboot a computer, we are directing it back to its BIOS to rediscover its purpose and function. Now there seems to be similar lines of code programmed into human beings. Each of us have imprinted in the soul some core beliefs and directives which define who we are and give to us our purpose. Self awareness, self preservation, a desire to be happy seem to be written in the BIOS of every soul. I am sure there are others. Scripture tells us, when sin entered into the world it corrupted us at the core level. It is still true that we are people made in the image of God but this core corruption has made it necessary for God to rewrite our BIOS if you will.
The gospel of Christ tells us that we were not created for ourselves alone but for the higher purpose of living for the pleasure of God and that this is possible only through faith in Christ. Our new operating system directs us to live by faith not by sight, that happiness comes from giving not taking, by love not lust. The Holy Spirit who takes up residence in our very soul directs us to the chief end for which we were created; the glory of God.
When we lose focus, lock up or crash, God’s Spirit will help us reboot and return to the initial lines of code written in our hearts. My purpose is to enjoy all that God desires to be for me in Christ, to exhibit the value of loving and serving Him, to express His matchless love to those around me and to evangelize by declaring the wondrous beauty and value of God in the gospel of Christ, the BIOS on which we stand. 4/15/07 ts