Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Standing on the Rivers Edge

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

A young man asks a friend of his dead father, if he is going with the army to battle. When the other tells him that he is, the man cautions him, “You will certainly die.” The other sagely replies, “All death is certain. I will tell your father what you have become.“ The certainty of death and the hope of resurrection are captured in this brief scene from the movie, Kingdom of Heaven.
I have had the privilege to walk a number of people down to the rivers edge, knowing full well that I too will one day step into its dark waters. Interesting that my awareness of this rendezvous comes to mind these days more often than not. Cable news helps to remind us every single day of that certain appointment. When I think about my personal interview with death, I cannot help but to remember another line, this time from a book. Standing before the great river and looking at the gates of heaven on the far side, the traveler inquired how deep was the river? The simple reply, “You shall find it deeper or shallower as you believe in the King of the place.” Adam assures us all that we will certainly enter the river. Christ assures all who belong to Him, that we also will certainly exit from it. It comforts me to know that though I must come to the river because of Adam, I am coming to cross it, not be swept away in its current, and this certainty is because of Christ. 14/19/07 ts