Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Old Glory—His Glory

“The Lord Is My Banner.” Ex17.15 ESV
Old Glory is one name given to the American flag. Originally, Old Glory was the personal flag; hand made by the mother of sea captain William Driver, and it displayed 24 stars. Driver named it Old Glory proudly declaring his national allegiance as he set out on a trip around the world. This was of course only the beginning of the rich history that surrounds this flag. Eventually Old Glory came to be used of all American Flags.

A banner, or flag can be anything, which is purposely raised up to be seen from a distance. A banner was used as a rallying point for people during an invasion or battle. Like our flag, a banner is a public display of not only national pride but also loyalty to it.

To say that the Lord is our Banner is to rally around His cause. And, the cause of the Kingdom of Heaven is to publicly declare the glory of Christ. The glory of Christ is nothing less than His supreme value as the sacrifice for our sins--the appeasement of God’s justice so we may come back to the Father through Him. Speaking of His death on the cross, Jesus made this astounding claim, “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me.” Christ is truly the flag raised over us.

Old Glory only has value as the symbol of a nation under His Glory. 1/9/2008 ts