Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

“It's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny.” Michellee Jean Nidetch

For you yourselves know that we are destined for this. 1Thess3.3 ESV

Jesus explained to the apostle Paul at his conversion that he would suffer many things for the sake of the gospel. Paul pretty much expected that suffering was part of his destiny and he certainly had his share in every town.
I can’t say that I would put this kind of information in a brochure advertising the benefits of becoming a follower of Christ. Actually, Christ isn’t selling anything, though to listen to some modern day evangelists you might think that He is. No, while Jesus certainly promises eternal life, He also promises, at least for many of His followers, a life of suffering and sacrifice. And, such suffering is not limited to those persecuted by the hand of others. How so? Well, suffering comes to many Christians by their own hand, in things like sacrificial service, living on less to give more, and denying self to serve others. I guess in this sense we decide our own destiny. We might say that it is our destiny at present to suffer with Jesus just as surely as it is our destiny to be raised with Him in glory. 10/13/2008 ts