Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

“There is no way to peace, peace is the way.” A. J. Muste

“They shall eat, but not be satisfied…” Hosea 1.10 ESV

The other day I told Brenda that I was hungering for some time in the woods. Walking through a forest, works the same enchantment in my soul as reading and reflecting on the Scriptures. God reveals Himself in them and I am moved to childlike wonder and worship--but not always. I have known hurried seasons in my life when I thought that if I could only sit by forest stream then peace would return to my heart. But I learned sometime ago that peaceful places do not always quiet the heart, just as the Scriptures do not always comfort it. There is no peace in us, nor can there be, when we are holding on to selfish notions. Anytime we refuse fellowship with God, we are out of sync with all His other graces. Food does not satisfy; sleep gives no rest, and peaceful places do not calm the soul. To seek peace without God is to seek breath without air. Every good and beautiful thing was created to lead us to Him and if they cannot because we refuse Him they can lead us nowhere. Anytime we center ourselves around ourselves we only travel in circles. 9/30/2008 ts