Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cell phones are amazing!

But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. 1Thess5.4 ESV

I have a hazy memory of a scene in a movie where a priest is suddenly facing death and in a panic turns to the person with him and says, “I’m not ready! I’m not ready!” He was speaking of course of being ready to meet God. And, whether Christ comes for us in death or in the clouds, life should be lived in readiness. Perhaps the best way to do this is simply talk with Him in prayer now and continue the dialogue until we meet face to face.
Brenda and I do this all the time in Wal-Mart using our cell phones. Recently we had split up to do some shopping and I called to find out how she was doing and where she was. She rounded an isle on the other side of the store and said, “I'm looking at you.” We waved, started walking toward each other talking all the while on our cells, right up to the moment where we were face to face. Cell phones are amazing, almost as amazing as prayer! Wouldn’t it be neat to round the corner in prayer and meet Christ face to face in the clouds? 6/3/2008 ts