Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, June 20, 2008

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Churchill

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Pro11.25 ESV

Just as there are laws that govern the physical aspects of life there are laws, which govern the spiritual dimensions of it. And, as we are both body and soul, generally what happens in one dimension flows over into the other. One spiritual law, universally observed, is simply this: “It is in giving that we receive.”
When the energy of our life flows out toward others, we will find the energy of His life flowing into us. God is love, He will always be found in the heart of the one loving others. Here is life and health and peace. Here is “the” commandment of Christ, “Love one another.” 6/20/2008 ts