Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Clear and Certain Future

O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure. Is25.1

It is not surprising to me that I woke this morning thinking about a former job that gave me a few indispensable skills that I use every week in my present ministry. One thought connected to another and I gratefully whispered to my heart, “Because the Lord is my shepherd I have everything that I need.” He wakes me with a thought because He desires to speak with me about it a few moments later.
It staggers the soul to contemplate the greatness of God expressed in His attentive guidance and abundant provision. People make all kinds of plans. A part of our planning is coming up with the resources that will help make the plan a reality. Consider that some plan for retirement and have a 401k to insure they will be able to do it one day. Consider also that there are many unforeseen events in our future and our plans are far from being certain. In spite of this Christ has told us not to worry. He tells us this, because He came as the Executor of His Father. He knows first hand that God has a plan for each of His sons and daughters and that He is the provision for it. God’s plans and provisions are as faithful and sure as they are wonderfully good. He desires that we peacefully rest in this perfect security.
I look back and survey my life and as I do so, I gratefully attest that Father has always provided everything I have needed. I not only see that God is guiding but know it, because He is always providing. So clear and certain is God’s past faithfulness that what lies behind clearly and certainly establishes what lies ahead. 3/6/07 ts