Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Flat Tires, Friends even Enemies

“And we know that for those who love God, He is working all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Ro8.28

The word here is not that God works all things together for good all the time or for everyone, but He does so, for those who love Him and are living under His purposes. When we are, we may know with certainty that God is in truth, working good in all things and at all times. It is interesting that this particular word, “know,” in the original Greek, refers to knowledge gained by observation. History is replete with countless examples of God working good for His own. And, if we are loving Him, our personal history should attest to it as well. We should be able to look back and see how God is working in our life. The fact that He has honored these conditions before, means of course, that He will honor them every time, and we can be assured that even the tiniest details of our lives are His servants for our good.
That God works “all things” means of course, all things. That unexpected flat tire, as well as that serendipitous call from a friend, are all under the guidance of His kind intentions. Joseph’s staggering observation to his brothers, who had sold him as a slave yet through it all he had become ruler of Egypt, was simply, “…you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” God is able to work even the evil intentions of others against His own, to accomplish His incredible good. Flat tires, friends even enemies are His servants in the lives of those who love Him. Let us therefore love Him and live under His purposes.
3/13/07 ts