Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Perfect go between

“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…” 1Ti2.5

Scripture explains to us, and they are very clear on this matter, that the only proper and safe way for people at odds with God to speak with Him, is to use a go between. And, since all of us are at odds with Him, there is only one person who can serve in this capacity, and that would be one who is not at odds with Him, and who in fact has an amiable relationship with Him. Christ alone has this distinction. He is the perfect mediator. As God’s eternal Son He is able to represent His Father to men. As the only sinless man, He is able to represent us to the Father.
It is important that we understand that we are the ones who need to be reconciled to God and not He to us. We are the offending party. Just as there is one God, there is only one mediator. Christ offers to settle our debts before God by offering Himself as the payment.
Now this brings up an interesting point. We may well wonder how we are to intercede for ourselves and others, if Christ is the only intercessor? One way we might look at it, is that when we pray properly, we come to realize that it is really Christ praying in and through us. Only in union and in agreement with Him are prayers made effective because only mediated prayers have an audience with God. The moment we forget this and stray back into bargaining with God, based on our own merits, is the moment our prayers fall to the ground. And praise Him that they do. All that we ask for in our own name, is directed by our selfishness. Christ directs us to pray through Him and to ask only for those things that may be asked in His name. And, we can be sure if Christ represents our request, it is certain to be answered favorably. 3/28/07 ts