Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

“I'm looking for loopholes. (Said when caught reading the Bible.)” W. C. Fields

Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Ps.119.97 ESV

Why do Christians have a love affair with the Bible when we are unable to consistently keep the simplest of commands found in it. The Scriptures forbid many of the things we want and desire. Why would we love a book that convicts even condemns us? Well, for one thing, we love God’s Law because it shows us our need for Jesus and leads us to trust His mercy and grace. The Scriptures expose all that is robbing us of life and health and peace. The precepts laid down in the Law are the diagnostic tools of the Holy Spirit. And, though we may not like the diagnosis it reveals, we are grateful that our disease is discovered and so come to the Surgeon and Savoir of our soul for His remedy.
Christians love the Bible because Jesus loves it. He meets with us in its pages and serves us living bread from His Father’s table. We love the Book because it is far more than written words, it is living, active and sharper than any two edged sword and in His skillful hands it becomes the scalpel He uses every day to heal our hearts. 9/24/2008 ts