Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

“We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays.” Aulus Persius Flaccus

Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. Ps.37.8 ESV

Ever stirred a fire, or perhaps an ant bed and watched the result? Most children have. Stir a fire and the flames leap up; stir an ant bed and the little buggers pour out in a frenzy. Children aren’t the only ones who like to stir up stuff. Most adults rarely pass up an opportunity to stir the soul into a frenzy of fear, anger or worry. We fret over so many things. The old word for fret was to fiddle. My dad used to say, “Stop fiddling with that boy.” He meant that I was to put down whatever it was I had in my hand and to stop messing with whatever it was that I was messing with. Have you ever noticed that fear, anger and worry worsen the more you fiddle with them. We pick something up, go over and over it in our minds and before long we have stirred ourselves into a frenzy of one kind or another. The Holy Spirit counsels us to put down whatever we are fiddling with, and to stop stirring ourselves into a frenzy. Put it down, let it go, give it to Him but by all means stop fiddling with it. 9/4/2008 ts