Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. ~Napoleon Bonaparte

“The Lord sets the prisoners free…” Ps146.7 ESV

These words have meaning beyond description, for the manner and means that Christ has used to set people free, staggers the imagination. Consider the amazing story of Moravian missionaries who were so determined to carry the liberating gospel to slaves in the West Indies, that they sold themselves into slavery to do so. They became prisoners in order to set prisoners free. Who but Jesus would think of such a mission strategy? Freedom was lost in some so that freedom would be found for others. It is often thus. Have not American soldiers in Iraq surrendered many privileges to bring freedom to the Iraqi people. Isn't freedom always found on the other side of sacrifice?
There are many prisons in this place but Christ has shown us the key to them all. And, the freedom that Christ brings is strangely even artistically found on the other side of surrender. Is it not true that most people have found personal freedom by denying their desires rather than pursuing them? Just ask a smoker, drug addict or even a man given to temper. Jesus said that we must lose our life, in order to gain it. If we are to be free we must freely take up our cross and follow Him. 9/25/2008