“Pray then like this…” Mt.6.9 ESV
Some teachers emphasize that Christ did not tell us to pray the Lord’s Prayer but to pray “like” it. What they suggest is that we should only use it as a model for others prayer. They often believe that one mark of a sincere prayer is that it is heart felt, therefore spontaneous. I used to feel this way and thought that recited prayers were impersonal and possibly even an insult to God. I no longer believe this. In fact, I pray the Lord’s Prayer most every day. When I do, it is anything but a recitation; rather it provides confident direction to the rest of my prayers. And, just because a prayer is sincere does not mean it is good prayer. A person may pray sincerely that they would win the lottery. Jesus offers us a good prayer; we can bring along the sincerity part by putting our heart into it. 12/10/2009 Conversations Within ts