Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Swimming in Deep water

“which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ… “Eph1.8-9

These words lie in deep water. But, it is not the meaning that is mysterious just the wisdom behind it. We are being told that our faith in Christ is a work of God’s grace, lavishly poured out into our hearts. This much we pretty well know and appreciate. What is unsearchable, is all the how and why behind the death of Christ and the transmission of its blessings to the world. Christ Himself is the mystery manifest yet all the wisdom expressed in Him is unexplainable. We may ask why God created man, when he knew we would sin. We may ask why all this blood and suffering is necessary for our rescue. We may ask these things as children take turns trying to touch the bottom of the lake where they are swimming. But we shall find God’s wisdom is too deep, and our lungs too shallow. It seems best then to humbly swim and play in this ocean of grace rather than to drown ourselves trying to find the bottom of His unsearchable wisdom. In the end we must content ourselves with the faith that God knows what is best and also the best means to it. 11/6/07 ts