Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Understanding the Bible

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” Ps119.18`NIV

The power to understand something I think is an endowment just like any other ability, whether it is athletic, academic, or artistic. And, in this sense, not all people are equally endowed. I am amazed when a person is unable to see something that I so readily see, just as I am when I cannot follow the logic of another’s reasoning. Our giftedness as well as our bias is apart of the problem in all this. That is why the Word of God needs the Spirit of God to open our eyes so that we might understand what is being said.
People make a great deal about the differences in our understanding of the Bible, so much so, that our need for the Holy Spirit’s help is more apparent than ever. When all is said and done, the fruit our understanding will affirm it as true or untrue. In some things our understanding of a particular passage will not matter much at all. In other things it will make all the difference in the world and in the one to come. Knowing my own limitations and biases, the first rule is when in doubt I hopefully don’t, and second, I seek to listen for the voice of the Spirit in the consensus of those whose attitude genuinely and humbly expresses “Not my will, but Your will be done.“ 11/16/07 ts