Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

By the power of faith every enduring work is accomplished. James Allen

“He turned the sea into dry land.” Ps.66.6 ESV

God has the reputation of providing a way, even where one does not exist. He creates a highway in the desert and a path through the sea. He has done this many times for people who have looked to Him. I don’t think we doubt that God can open impossible doors but we might wonder whether He will open them for us. Jesus encourages us to believe that He will. One thing is certainly clear; the trusting heart is simply irresistible for God to ignore. It is the nature of water to seek the lowest place; it is the nature of grace to flow down into humble trusting hearts. We should never forget the words that moved the hand of Jesus even after He refused the Gentile mother’s request, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.” How could He refuse that? He of course didn’t. 5/12/2009 Conversations Within ts