Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, May 22, 2009

“Christ alone is the final end of tolerance, and therefore the present ground of tolerance.” John Piper

“They burned all the meeting places of God in the land.” Ps.74.8 ESV

Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek. God the Father does so every day. There is no way to measure His tolerance in the earth; He is patient every hour with man’s rebellious coup. Even while the Lord is tolerant, He is the Lord still. Christ commanded the very heartbeat of the soldiers who spat upon Him and holds together the molecular fabric of all who profane His name. Why is God tolerant of evil? Could it be that He is waiting for those yet unborn who will come to trust Him. If so, it says much about the value God places on our choice to return to Him when He allows others the freedom to go their way. There are limits to this of course, limits hidden in His perfect wisdom. And so, He waits and works and asks His children to do the same. It is never too much then, when Jesus asks us to be patient when wronged, to return kindness for injury and practice tolerance toward our enemies. As one brother puts it, “Christ alone, the Creator and Lord of history, has the right to wield the tolerance-ending sword, we dare not.” 5/20/2009 Conversations Within ts