Just me trying to be honest with God.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Pr.9.10 NKJV

I take it that the fear of the Lord mentioned here, is, at least in part, the realization that God is always present and always privy to our thoughts and actions. When we truly wake to God, the knowledge that He is there, can have a profound affect on what we are thinking and doing.
I recall a time in Wal-Mart when Brenda and I were having words. We rounded one isle on to another and ran in to some friends who immediately sensed the tension between us. The moment we realized that our private argument was no longer private, that awareness had a profound impact on us.
Waking to God is similar and has a similar affect. Perhaps in a heated or lustful moment we realize that we are not alone. God clears His voice, so to speak, announces His presence and just like that, the steam of our anger is drained away, or our lust abated, or pride humbled. I think we grow in wisdom not only as we wake to God’s presence but as we stay awake to it. 10/24/07 ts