Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sit on the rope.

"…Jesus, …abolished death…" 2Ti1.10 ESV

I am pretty certain that these words have yet to grip my heart as they should. Do I really believe that Christ has rendered death powerless, depriving it of its force and annulling my marriage to it? I want to, but the sad truth is that while I acknowledge this with my head I am still telling it to my heart. I still have trepidations about my upcoming appointment and especially that of my loved ones. And, that's OK. I find that I have similar struggles when rock climbing. I know in my head that I am held secure by anchor, rope and harness, yet I still have butterflies every time I go over the edge on a rappel of any height. It helps to sit on the rope, trust ones weight to it as mush as you can before going over the edge.
I should think the same is true when confronting our fear of death. We should sit on the rope, so to speak, that is trust ourselves to Christ as much as possible in all the other matters of life before we come to the edge of our assent.
Let me declare to my heart again and again. When death came to Christ and touched Him, it was not Christ but death itself that was forever changed. The door, which carried us away from God's presence, was made into an entrance. God has taken the sword of our enemy and turned it into a healing scalpel. Sit on the rope. 2/5/2008 ts