Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Riding on the shoulders of God.

(The lifting up of MARIA SUE CHAPMAN)
“The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety…he dwells between His shoulders. Deut.33.12

Yesterday the news carried a story about the heartbreaking death of a five-year-old girl whose brother accidentally ran over her with an SUV. Both children are from the family of a well-known Christian singer-songwriter. How can we reconcile the promise of God’s protection with such?
As I ask myself this question the Spirit reminds me that these words were surely true of Jesus, unquestionably God’s most beloved Son. This of course means that they were true of Jesus when He was handed over as a sacrifice for our sins. Even in suffering God’s beloved dwells in safety. The body is sure to die but the soul of those loved by God is sure to dwell safe and secure in His presence.
Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson was once asked by a soldier how he could be so very brave in battle. Jackson replied, “My religion teaches me that I am as safe on the battlefield as I am in my bed. The Lord has appointed the day for my death. I need not concern myself with that, only that I am ready when He comes for me. That is the way all men should live, then all men would be equally brave."
The heart of faith is comforted with the knowledge that this little girl was carried between the shoulders of the Almighty into eternal glory where she now prays for the comfort of her family and especially for her brother. Imagine riding on the shoulders of God. Yesterday she did! Her family is being lifted there now! 5/23/2008 ts