“Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD! “Ps.31 ESV
Courage is found in the certainty of our faith in spite of the uncertainties of this life. Courage flourishes in the certain knowledge that we are on the King's highway, in the King's business, under the protection and direction of the King of Glory. To know that the King has commissioned you to His task, is to also know that He will give you everything you need to accomplish it. And, should He ask that we lay down our life as part of that task, courage is knowing that you live for something greater than yourself. So great, in fact, is that something, that it will redeem any sacrifice with a reality far greater that just a name on a memorial stone. God remembers His fallen, not like a chiseler of cold stone but like sap rising in a Spring forest. When the Kingdom comes in its fullness those who sacrificed for it will populate its streets because there are no cemeteries there. 3/4/2011 Conversations Within ts (Between, GA)