“Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.” Pro.19 ESV
You may well remember the childhood admonition, before crossing the street, to “Stop, Look and Listen.” In this day of planes, trains and automobiles it is easy for children to get run over. Now, as adults, we know it is just as easy to get run over by a hurried life. Most of us are out of breath, have too much in our schedule and have forgotten how to be where we are. It would do us well to reacquire this childhood skill; to stop all activity for moments of quite reflection; to look and consider where we are going and why; and, to listen to the Spirit for guidance and correction. This is not to say that we should spend all our time in quiet contemplation but only that Master would have us sharpen our ax before setting off to chop wood. 3/5/2011 Conversations Within ts (Between, GA)