“Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.” Ecc. 9.7 ESV
I am not sure why, but our Labrador Maggie never chews any of the meat that we give her. She gobbles it up whole with hardly a taste. I try to explain to her and to no avail, that she would enjoy it more if she slowed down and chewed it. I am sure God feels this way about my approach to so many things. There are times when I too am guilty of gobbling up God's gifts without taking the time to truly enjoy them. It is so easy for me to always be going somewhere and never fully be where I am. I have missed precious moments because I am not paying attention or do not savor the taste of life in front of me because I am distracted by some future concern. How sad it is to chase happiness when it is right in front of you. 3/21/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)