“He made the stars also.” Gen.1
Most who ponder the greatness of God ,expressed in something like the universe, come away wondering why He would bother with humans at all. After all, we hardly amount to dust in it. But the God of Christ is not strained or bothered to think about us; that too is part of His greatness. It may very well surprise us if we find that the whole universe was made for the singular purpose of showing humans just how great, how infinite God is. Humans may turn out to be the only intelligent life in the whole of it, and as such, the central focus of God's love and attention. I am not saying we are the only intelligent life in it, but if we are, what is that to God? I say this simply because of the great value that God assigned to humans when Christ was sent to die for us. After such an incredible act, what is making a universe or any number of universes for that matter. 2/25/2011 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill, AL)