Just me trying to be honest with God.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” Mary Queen of Scots

“Because you have prayed to me…” Is.37.21 ESV

How many things are influenced in this world because we have prayed to God? How many things are left without this influence because we have not? I am not sure we will ever be shown the answer to the latter but we may at least embrace with our heart the worth of these words, “Because you have prayed to me.” Let us listen to them so that we will know the potency and potential of our prayers. Let us gain a vision for all the goodness that God desires to accomplish though them in the lives of those we love. Let us answer every encouragement in our heart to pray and we may be confident that the Lord will act “because” we have prayed. Imagine that day when we will sit with Jesus in review of our lives and hear Him say, “Because you prayed to me all this was done.” 1/7/2009 ts