“Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus
Most days I approach God with the prayer that Jesus taught to His disciples. I suppose that if I ask for daily bread I should gratefully eat whatever God puts on my plate. And, while I have eaten some pretty good meals; I guess you could say I have also eaten my share of bitter herbs. One thing is for sure, God has never put anything on my plate that His own dear Son did not willingly eat and drink. If we remember Jesus did ask His followers if we would be willing to drink from His bitter cup. He even assured us that we would if we are serious about following Him. Certainly when God prepares the table before us, He prepares it in the presence of our enemies and even if His provision for the day is “sour grapes,” the good soldier savors the taste of coming victory and even while they gratefully eat their combat rations in a foxhole. 4/2/2011 Conversations Within ts (Oak Mountain, AL)