... It was a perfect act.” Mahatma Gandhi
“I lay down my life that I may take it up again.” Jo.10
Some undoubtedly regard Christ's death as a kind of defeat or at best the act of a martyr, even if it was for His own cause. And, it would be little more than that if He principle claims were not true. We do well to remember that Jesus never claimed to be a good moral teacher only telling us to love each other, to turn the cheek and forgive our enemies. He told us those things, but He also told us that He is resurrection and the life; the light of the world, the way, the truth and the life, that He is the great “I Am.” If these things are true, then His death is as astonishing His resurrection, even punctuated by it! It means that the God of universe entered our world, suffered the penalty of our rebellion so He could erase all charges against us and in the process transform death into life. 4/19/2011 Conversations Within ts (Birmingham, AL)