“Always be clothed in white.” Ecc.9
One approach to stop feeling sorry for yourself is it to think of someone who has it a lot worse than you. I am not sure this is the best way of dealing with self pity, but it certainly does throw cold water on it. Then there is the guilt approach where you chide yourself for not being grateful for your many blessings. That one also helps, but there is, of course, a difference in feeling guilty because you haven't been grateful and actually living grateful. I suppose it takes time to become a grateful person, to naturally and spontaneously give thanks no matter what your circumstance. When the writer of Ecclesiastes tells us to “always be clothed in white,” he is saying that we should not only put off the shabby clothes of ingratitude but to aggressively, purposefully, and deliberately choose the party clothes of celebration. 3/27/2011 Conversations Within ts (On the Road, Atlanta to Birmingham)