“If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecc.4
Looking after the interest of your neighbor is more than just a feel good suggestion; it is the best way to look out after your own well-being. Consider that the Bible presupposes the right to private ownership when it forbids us to steal from one another. But the law which protects our right to property is a mere shadow of the law, which directs our responsibility to look out for each other. The whole Law is fulfilled in the singular command to love. If I love my neighbors I will not steal from them. If I love my neighbors I will also help them not steal from me. This may mean sharing a fish with them when they are in need or teaching them to fish or better enabling them to fish when it is in my power to do so. Conversations Within ts 7/20/2012 (Birmingham AL)