"Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.” JesusReligion without relationship will take the regular practice of talking to God in prayer and turn it into some superstitious ritual. There is a considerable difference between meeting with God three times a day to deepen a relationship with Him as a Father and Friend and observing some ritual of prayer because of a superstition that God will visit good or bad luck on me because I have or have not done so. God may choose to meet someone in their practice of religion but when He does it is to lead them into a relationship. Conversations Within” ts 1/12/2013 (Jax, FL)
Grace modeste- an "unassuming grace." Any discussion of a spiritual nature should reflect this mutual kindness. The following are simply my devotional reflections each morning. I cast them like "bread upon the waters," hoping that all who find them will find something of value to nurture their own inner life.