“O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Is.64 NIVI am often dissatisfied with some of the things I think and do, I can even use the word disgusted. Part of these feelings come from my own hurt pride. The other part comes from the Spirit who lives inside me, but this is a different kind of dissatisfaction. His is more like that of an Artist who is not yet finished with some painting that He is patiently working to complete. The changes I see give me confidence that I will one day be satisfied with who I am when He puts down His brush. Until then, let me submit to each stroke of His hand. Conversations Within” ts 1/10/2013 (Jax, FL)
Grace modeste- an "unassuming grace." Any discussion of a spiritual nature should reflect this mutual kindness. The following are simply my devotional reflections each morning. I cast them like "bread upon the waters," hoping that all who find them will find something of value to nurture their own inner life.