Just me trying to be honest with God.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I see Your Hand in my Hand.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. Ps139.14 NKJV

I see Your Hand in my hand.
It does whatever I demand.

I grasp and I hold,
Close and unfold.
I pick things up and put things down,
Put on my pants or take off my gown.

I can hold it flat or ball it up,
Open a jar or fill my cup.

Scratch, touch, feel,
Point, put, reel,
Push, pull, seal,
Hurt or heal.

Softly caress a babies face,
Or hold my love with tight embrace.

I can throw, I can catch
Weave together or detach.
I can sow or I can mend,
And shake the hand of my friend.

I point out some marvel with this marvel.
I can cuddle, or crinkle, doodle or fondle.
Oh the million things that I can do,
With this hand I got from You.

Yet with all the power that You’ve endowed,
We cannot be overly proud.
For if we sought to duplicate that which You so easily make. With all the power of human convention, we could only produce a crude invention.

So let me with this hand of mine,
My will align and my hand incline to do not my will but only thine.

I see Your hand in my hand,
So direct it Father, as You command. 5/14/07 ts