Just me trying to be honest with God.

Friday, March 27, 2009

“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life.” Lord Byron

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.” Ps.29.2 ESV

Everybody I know will stop to watch an approaching thunderstorm. The raw power of nature arouses in us a unique sense of awe. Sometimes we give human traits to tornados and volcanoes, calling them nature’s wrath. But generations of believing people have always ascribed these powerful manifestations to God. As this psalm says, “The voice of the LORD makes the lightning flash. His voice makes the desert shake.” Now this gets somewhat personal when human life is threatened or lost because of a storm. If God controls the path of a tornado and it blows my dad’s house away, as one did several years ago, then I logically conclude that God is responsible for destroying my dad’s house. The alternative that God could have done something to stop it but did not, offers no comfort to me. I prefer the belief that God is sovereign and that His sovereignty is always governed by His wisdom and love. His glory in all of this is that He loves us though we may not see it now; every dark canvas is just the backdrop of brilliant mercy and grace. It certainly was this, when the skies darkened over Golgotha. 3/25/2009 Conversations Within ts