Just me trying to be honest with God.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

“Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“How long will you hide your face from me?” Ps.13.1 ESV

Most of the Christians I know have spoke of seasons in life where God seemed distant to them. In such times, we pray but have no real sense of God’s presence, or feel none of His encouragements in our heart. We may wonder if God has grown weary of our company or maybe He is mad at us about something. I guess it is some comfort to know that even the shepherd boy who wrote the famed twenty-third Psalm felt this way but there is little actual comfort when one is traversing these spiritual deserts. Reading the Bible doesn’t seem to help, and our prayers seem to fall on deaf ears. We drink from the appointed means of grace, but still our thirst is not quenched. There is really nothing else to do in such times but endure them, to keep on keeping on. Perhaps this is the very reason for these dry seasons. Wilderness crossings prune the heart and highlight the difference between faith and feelings. It is said that roots grow deep in drought; how much more will our faith when it is made to endure. 3/5/2009 Conversations Within ts