“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him…” Heb.6 NIV
We can be certain that if imperfect people have expressed appreciation for services we’ve done, that our Heavenly Father will do no less. No act of love will go unnoticed by the God of love. He is the spring from which every act of love flows and the field into which every seed of service is sown. All the service we have rendered to each other is a service rendered to Him. God’s character is such that it would be impossible for Him to forget our labors of love. He could no more forget us than a tree could forget to be a tree or water could forget to be wet. There are a number of good reasons to desire God’s appreciation, one is not only to know His value but also our own when we are joined to Him. 5/18/010 Conversations Within ts