“Peter said, ‘I am not.’” John 18 ESV
When Peter denied that he was Jesus’ disciple, most would compassionately say that he had a moment of weakness. These moments come to every one of us and only reveal the weaknesses already present in us. This is of course one reason why trials come to us. It is good to find the weakest links in our character, how else will we cooperate with the Spirit when He comes to strengthen us. This is why Paul said that he gloried in his weakness not the weakness itself, but how each weakness encourages us to transfer our trust to His strength. Someone has said that the only real failure is the failure to learn. Every failure then is but an opportunity to discover the weak link, which can be nailed down to trusting our own abilities. It is what we do after we discover them that has the last word. 5/10/010 Conversations Within ts