“But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him.”
Age carries some unique graces. Beyond just having more experience, the bumps and bruises of life tend to soften the rigidity of our response toward failure in others. When Jesus told the accusing crowd, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone,” it was the older ones who understandably walked away first. Compassion is often born in us from personal failures and nurtured by the mercies we’ve received. I once saw a cartoon that depicted a huge stone falling from heaven crushing the woman just as Jesus uttered the words, “Let him who is without sin” Jesus then replied, “Father I’m trying to make a point here.” I thought it quite funny but it makes a striking point if you can overlook the pun. God’s compassion does not rise from any personal failure but from His absolute unstained goodness and for that He is to be uniquely praised. 4/27/2010 Conversations Within ts