“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.” Ro.15 NIV
Most of us know what we need to do. We may have even started doing it but, as human nature has it, we somehow slip away from following through. Most of the changes we want to see in ourselves require that we simply stick with the wise choices we made when we were thinking clear. People often look to God for encouragement and help and He sends it. He puts people in our life that have the same problems we have and who share the same tendencies to be inconsistent. He does this because many things that can’t be done alone are easily accomplished when walking with others. A bamboo forest can grow two feet a day and up to a 120 ft. high because under ground each stalk shares interlocking roots. It may be that we will finally follow through what start when we lock roots with our brothers. 5/20/2010 Conversations Within ts