“And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground--trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.” Gen.2When God created the world He made it so much more than functional. He added extras. He garnished fields and forests with color, even though black and white would have worked. He installed surround sound on ocean shores and mountain brooks. He put icing on the the cake of nutrition making foods not only good for us but rich with flavor. He dressed the world in the finery of flowers and our night sky with the magic of moonlight. It will not surprise me that when we finally meet Him, He will have chocolate in His pocket waiting for us. Conversations Within ts 10/23/2012 (Camp Farrington, AL)
Grace modeste- an "unassuming grace." Any discussion of a spiritual nature should reflect this mutual kindness. The following are simply my devotional reflections each morning. I cast them like "bread upon the waters," hoping that all who find them will find something of value to nurture their own inner life.