Just me trying to be honest with God.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

I will praise You with uprightness of heart, when I learn Your righteous judgments. Ps119.7 NKJV

One paraphrase of this verse would read; “I will raise my hands to you, when my heart is made right by all the right decisions You have made regarding me.” I think that it is important to understand and acknowledge that God decides. He makes decisions about my life. He draws the lines which surround us. The time and place of our birth, and our death, are His decision. It is not only the big things over which He presides. The smallest details of each day are decided by Him. Snowflakes, and cancer cells, bright summer days and cold dark nights, all move under His sovereign direction. Scriptures make clear that Satan had to secure permission before he could attack God’s servant, Job. And though it may bruise our sensitivities that God decided to allow this assault, we are assured time and time again that Father’s decisions and disciplines always reflect His tender care. Those who love God are also assured that His every decision is governed by His abounding goodness and love, and comes down to us in the channels of His infinite wisdom.
Our Father is the Gardener, our hearts His garden. He is always working good, seeking fruit in His garden. He prunes, and pulls weeds, He lifts up and waters. When He makes any decision that affects the life of one of His children He is deciding it for our good. His goal is perfection, His goal is to make us like His favorite Son. Blessed is He! 7/18/07 ts