Just me trying to be honest with God.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Just a leap in the Dark? Hardly!

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; he is a shield to all who trust in Him. Ps18.30 NKJV

The other day someone compared their relationship with God as a leap of faith. This popular notion usually refers to matters which cannot be proved and so this “leap of faith’ is said to come at the end of all the light one may have. I have no problem with this description so long as it is qualified. If I am rock climbing and cannot see the ledge below me and my friend, whom I trust, tells me the ledge is there, even though I cannot see it, I would be willing to take such a step of faith. I would not however, commits myself to some unseen ledge just because I hoped it was there. Blind faith can be foolish. I would not jump into a river without knowing that it was deep enough or that it was clear of an obstruction which might impale me. I would however jump if my friend, whom I trusted, told me He knew it was alright. My jump is still a leap of faith because I myself cannot see. But it is not a blind faith rather a faith rooted in my friend who has proven himself worthy of trust.
I think if one examines the faith God asks from us, in light of the many examples in Scripture, we will come to find that it is not a blind faith, but one which is rooted in His proven record. The Psalmist makes his assertion that God has proven Himself reliable to all who have trusted Him. He mentions God’s past faithfulness in delivering His people from Egypt. He mentions God's faithfulness in his own history. God has proven Himself time and time again as one worthy of trust. Christian faith has always been rooted in the history of God‘s people. When we think about it, our faith in Christ is also a faith in the character of the men and women who witnessed His resurrection. When all is said and done, the disciples who claimed to have witnessed the miracle of Christ were trustworthy people. Why would we not believe them? When one considers the character of what they taught, and the moral make up of their lives, it makes blessed good sense to believe them. 7/7/07 ts