Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Shudder the thought.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Pr14.34 NKJV

Each of us, everyday, and in our own way, add to the greatness or the shame of our nation. A nation is no greater than her citizens and her citizens are no greater than their daily thoughts and actions. We seem to embody the very best and at times the very worst in our expressions of morality. Christian virtue, and criminal vice lie within our borders, and closer to home, within me. What we decide to do every day determines if we are good or not. God has given us grace not only because we are sinful and need it, but to transform us into creatures of beauty.
I was speaking with a Muslim the other day who said that he saw no accountability in our Christian doctrines of grace and that is why he converted to Islam. He commented that most Christians he knew just accept Jesus and then live anyway they want. Many would point to the deeds of radical Islam and reply that he who is without sin let him cast the first stone. But this hardly removes the reproach cast by this man’s words.
We fail to represent the grace of God truthfully if people somehow believe that its ok to ask God to pardon sin and take them to heaven and all the while live like hell on earth. The grace God offers in Christ is not just to forgive our unrighteous acts but to transform us into a righteous people, zealous for all that is good.
Shall we continue in sin that grace might increase? Shudder the thought. 7/3/07 ts