Just me trying to be honest with God.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Hinge of History

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Ro1.16 NKJV

The message of Jesus is the very life blood of mankind. What is any human accomplishment, if in the end it is turned into dust? The most noble task passes into nothingness without the redemption of Christ, yet even the most mundane action can be transformed into lasting glory when His life courses through it. If the very brightest among us were to find a cure for cancer and save millions, without the message of Christ nothing is truly preserved. Yet, let a woman whose body has wasted away from it, entrust her soul to God and when the stars shine no more, her praise will still be heard. The message of Jesus is good news indeed. In it lie all our hopes and dreams.
Who would have thought that a man dying spread eagle on a cross between two thieves would be the hinge of all history--of my history. And like the thief on the left or the thief on the right so will my soul, yes, every soul swing to His left or to His right. Both were thieves. All are thieves. Yet, all who look to this Man in the middle will live forever in His story. 7/17/07 ts